Tomb of Dato’ Dol Said

Majlis Perbandaran Alor Gajah

Historic Background:

This tomb is located behind the Taboh Naning Mosque, in the small administrative district of Naning. Dato’ Dol Said, who descended from the Semelenggang tribe, became the 9th Penghulu Naning (Chief of Naning) in 1801 and was accorded the title Datuk Seraja Merah. His appointment was made after the death Datuk Anjak (1786-1801). His selection and appointment were based on the considerations that he is the nephew of the late Datuk Anjak. Dato’ Dol Said was also known as Datuk Naning. He became Penghulu Naning in 1802.

Dato’ Dol Said’s opposition to the British was due to his reluctance to surrender 1/10 of Naning’s agricultural produce as tax to the British. He believed that Naning was an independent territory thus has no obligation to pay taxes to the British. On the contrary, the British, who at the time governed Melaka, claimed that Naning is a territory of Melaka and that all rules and laws in Melaka are enforced in Naning.

Due to Dato’ Dol Said’s refusal to pay the tax, the British on 15th July 1831 proclaimed Dato’ Dol Said as a traitor and deployed a force of 150 sepoys led by Captain Wyllie to attack Naning but was subsequently defeated by Dato’ Dol Said and his followers. During the 18-day Naning War, (6th August 1831 – 24th August 1831), Dato’ Dol Said was supported by 1000 Malays.

The British did not relent and in 1832, launched another assault over Naning. This time, the British were aided by 600 warriors from Yamtuan Muda Raja Ali of Rembau to defeat Naning. In March of 1832, the British force led by Colonel Herbert attacked and defeated Naning by successfully taking Taboh, Naning’s centre of administration.

Dato’ Dol Said retreated to Seri Menanti. After negotiations, he finally surrendered himself to the British and was given a pension and a house in Melaka, and Naning was included in the administration Melaka.


Quick Info


Makam Dato' Said
Lot 718, Taboh Naning, 78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka.

Majlis Perbandaran Alor Gajah (MPAG),
Lebuh AMJ,
78000 Alor Gajah,
Melaka, Malaysia.

GPS : 2.3820644,102.209822

TALIAN AM : 06-333 3333 | 06-556 1010 | 06-556 2575
FAKS : 06-556 4909

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Kemaskini Terakhir : 12 March 2025 @ 6:27 pm | Jumlah Pelawat : 1311377

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